Shakespeares Monologues-NoAds


not available

This is the ad free version of Shakespeare's Monologues, wrapped in an Android App. It's the same as the free version of the app, but the ad banner is removed from the bottom of the screen in this version.The app is lightweight and fast. Browse or search Shakespeare's Monologues. All of them.
The monologues are organized by play, then categorized by comedy, history and tragedy. You can browse and/or search. Search if you know which monologue you want. Browse if you're looking for monologue ideas.
Each monologue entry includes the character's name, the first line of the speech, whether it is verse or prose, and shows the act, scene & line number. Each entry provides a link to the full text of the scene.When you've picked a monologue, you can download a double-spaced PDF to your phone or tablet. Print it with cloud print, or send it to yourself to print at home or at work.
Due to the fact that line-breaks matter a great deal in iambic pentameter, this app does not try to make the text 'fit' your device. Doing so would insert line-breaks where they don't belong, and would make reading Shakespeare's verse difficult, if not impossible.
Instead, this app allows you to use the magic in your multi-touch screen, so you can pinch-to-zoom the text size.
Note: We won't use the app to nag you about rating us like many apps do, so we'll just ask once here instead: If you like it, please give it a rating and/or review in the Play store. Thanks!
About permissions -
Full Network Access: This app requires internet access (because that's better for you than installing an app containing 1400+ PDF files onto your phone.)
View Network Connections: Required for network access via either wifi or cell data.
Storage: This app uses your device's storage to cache content to speed up the app, just as most internet-connected apps do. The app does not access any files or folders other than the cache.
To get the ad-supported free version instead, please scroll down to the section labeled "More by Shakespeare's Monologues" or "More from developer", then tap on the free version. If you're having trouble finding it, this address will take you there (case-sensitive): http://MonosBy.WS/AndroidApp2
Also available as a desktop/laptop web app in the Chrome Web Store: http://MonosBy.WS/ChromeWebapp
Break a leg.